Windows 7 search for all “certain kind” of media

Some times Windows is not as user friendly as it is supposed to be – for example, i wanted to find all the pictures in my computer.

The search in Windows 7 is not so clear on how to perform this task ( XP had this feature )
To search for all “certain kind” of media or files you can do the following trick
  1. Go to the folder you want to search
  2. On the search bar to the top-right type kind:
  3. You should see a drop down to various kinds of search – choose the one you want and hit enter
  4. If you want to find all pictures, the search would be kind:=picture
  5. If you want to search for pictures and something else then it would be kind:=music OR kind:=pictures OR kind:=videos
Note that you can also use Windows Picture Gallery – it might provide more search options
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