"UNDO SEND" EMAILS up to 30 Seconds by GMAIL

After six long years, a handy feature of Google’s Gmail has finally graduated from the search giant’s laboratory. The "Undo Send" feature, when enabled, allows a user to recall an email 5 to 30 seconds after sending it.

“Undo Send” is now a formal setting in Gmail on the web, Google said in a blog post.

“‘Undo Send’ allows people using Gmail to cancel a sent mail if they have second thoughts immediately after sending. The feature is turned off by default for those not currently using the Labs version, and can be enabled from the General tab in Gmail settings,” Google said.

People who have the Labs version of “Undo Send” will have the setting turned on by default at launch, Google said.

Google said the feature was a popular one in Gmail Labs, and was recently added to Inbox by Gmail.

In reality, enabling the feature lets Gmail delay the sending so a user will have time to recall an email if he or she changes his or her mind.

A separate report on The Next Web noted the feature had been languishing in Gmail’s Labs since March 2009
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